While our facility’s main focus is on its leagues, practices, rentals, events, and tournaments, we do sometimes have down-times or gaps between bookings. It’s during these times that we can offer Open Play, as a courtesy, to allow individual participants a chance to use our fields and courts. This is great for people who are looking to get some extra practice in, test out new equipment, or just get together with some friends and try something new.
•Always call ahead to confirm availability, but keep in mind that Open Play can NEVER be guaranteed. Longplex reserves the right to rent our fields and courts at any time. The closer you call to when you want to come in, the more accurate we can be with our availability.
•As a courtesy to all of our customers, there is a 2-hour time limit for Open Play participation. Re-entry will not be allowed for participants who willingly leave and wish to return at a later time.
•Open playing surfaces can be used by all Open Play participants. Courts and fields must be shared and cannot be reserved by a group or team.
•Individuals over the age of 18 without a Longplex Player’s Card MUST sign a waiver each visit.
•Individuals under the age of 18 without a Longplex Player’s Card MUST have a parent or guardian sign their waiver each visit. Parents, we ask that you do not simply drop off your child at the front door. Please come in to sign their waiver and make sure that they enter safely. Also, if you do choose to drop your child off, please keep in mind that Open Play is not supervised.
•Limited sports equipment is available to borrow in the main office (basketballs, soccer balls, etc).
•Recreation is to be limited to our playing surfaces only. There will be no playing, practicing, chasing, etc allowed on walkways or in our common areas.
•Appropriate attire must be worn at all time, including shirts and shoes.
•Open Play is not allowed for participants who are looking to hold a team practice or training session. You must speak to Longplex Management about renting time and space.
•Open Play is not allowed for anyone who is charging a fee to other participants for coaching, training, etc. You must speak to Longplex Management about renting time and space.

Get In Touch!
At Longplex Sports Family & Sports Center, we are committed to providing the best fitness experience possible. After all, we are a sports facility! We aim to provide a positive fitness and sports environment for all athletes with amenities that fit everyone’s individual needs.
If you have further questions about our facility or what we’re all about, stop by or contact us! We are conveniently located on 300 Industrial Way in Tiverton, Rhode Island. Looking to inquire about booking an event or birthday party room? Give us a call and we can run through all the details to help make it happen.